Doll #1: Marisol

 So something I've always thought would be fun (but far too frustrating to try and make a video about) is making posts about each of my dolls. Considering there's now over 60 of them, this should be very interesting. The first few will be longer, but as I get further into my collection, there's less story about each one. 

So to kick off this very long posting series, we are going to start with my very first American Girl Doll, Marisol. 

My grandma has always loved dolls and as I am her only granddaughter, she had always hoped I would as well. Luckily for her, I do. Unfortunately for her, I was not a fan of porcelain dolls or barbies, which were her first attempts. By the time I was 6 years old, she had decided her next try would be American Girl Dolls, although my mom wasn't too thrilled with the idea of me having a hundred dollar doll. 

My grandma signed me up for the AG catalogue in 2005 and within the first five minutes of the mail showing up that very first time, I already knew who my favorite was. I was drawn to Marisol Luna, Girl of the Year 2005. If I'm being honest I think the main reason I liked her so much was because she had an entire two page spread of her face on it, but nonetheless no other doll could compare.

I started saving up for Marisol right away, and within just a few weeks my grandma had decided that we would take a special trip to the American Girl Place Chicago over the summer so that I could get my doll in person. It took me up until the trip to save up enough money, but I knew it was worth it. 

I remember opening her and knowing I had just gotten the best toy I would ever own. Although if you had told me back then that someday I would own over 60 of them, I would have thought you were insane. 

Marisol has definitely been through a lot in the 16 years I have had her, and her eyes have since gone a little wonky, but I couldn't ask for a better doll to start my collection. 


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