Doll #3: Nicki

So doll number 3 in my collection was Nicki Flemming, Girl of the Year 2007. I got her for Christmas in 2007 after wanting her all year and begging for her nonstop. I loved her caramel hair and her dog Sprocket because at the time I had caramel hair and a huge dog too. 

Nicki was the last doll that I got as a 'child', but I was so happy with her that she seemed like the perfect stopping point for my collection at the time. 

A fun fact about my childhood collection is that shortly after getting Nicki, I got a very old american girl doll at a garage sale. I'm pretty sure she was a truly me #3 but I decided to sell her to my cousin a couple years later so I had enough money to buy Dani. I don't regret selling her, but I'd be lying if I said there wasn't a part of me that wants to find a better condition truly me #3 again someday.... I have a problem clearly.

Anyway, here's Nicki looking all cute in her pigtails! 


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